Tuesday, December 15, 2009


To order, email rasabodyparlour@gmail.com or call 510.395.5935

You can also now order below using PayPal!!!!!....here's how:

1. select size

2. select blend

3. press "add to cart" button

4. if you want to buy more than one jar, press "continue shopping" on the PayPal cart page, come back and select another!

Rasa Body Balm comes in amber jars of three sizes. Select size and blend to get started.

To continue shopping just click "continue shopping" on the payment page, Thanks!

Price and Package
The Menu

If you've never actually tried Body Balm and you want to sample it to see how hooked you will be, now is the time!

Rasa Body Parlour is offering our almost 2 ounce jar size (valued at $12) to all of you with virgin skin for only $9!

The deal is you have to be purchasing Rasa Body Parlour Body Balm for the very first time!

Just read all about it, choose your potion from the drop down menu below that's labeled, "For you with Virgin Skin, aka First Time Tryers......" and that's it.

If you have tried Body Balm and you love it and want someone else to love it too.....you can get it as a gift for that someone.

For you with Virgin Skin, aka First Time Tryers......

Monday, December 7, 2009

Local Small Businesses and Why They Represent True Change


The season when we gather with our loved ones to get cozy, share food and gifts, and re-commit our lives to the work of doing Good, is upon us.

I am feeling very clear that my re-commitment encompasses knowing what a powerful and loving community we are and how important it is to connect more deeply with each other to actively co-create the World we envision everyday, One where everyone has everything we need, where love is applied rather than force and where we have the power and say over our own lives and health. One where there is a just, supportive and service-oriented governing collective that is truly of the People, by the People and for the People, All the People!

Currently, there appears to be a lot of confusion, in our current governing structure, about what the priorities should be and how the People, paying for them to be there, should be treated. That's ok, I'm sure it will clarify one day.

However, I am not going to wait for them to figure out whether they should buy more guns or feed, house and heal more people and our planet. I am going to live my life as though I already have my 40 and a mule. I'm claiming stewardship in my community and working with all my neighbors to build something beautiful, sustainable and healthy for all of us.

I understand that we as a People, are so many more than the elite few. They have more $$ than we do collectively, but we are on the ground and have real experience. Together we have a much greater voice and can really create massive change...if we are organized.

I am learning that buying locally from small business owners, is a great way to organize for local change and actually strengthens a community. When business is good, morale is high and people feel hopeful. Possibility thinking occurs and we collectively begin creating more healthy communities. Our efforts ripple outward and begin to change every thing and everyone they touch. A strong, local economy means a strong, vibrant community!

Buying locally means we are actually connecting with the source of the goods and services we are purchasing. We connect with a human face. We are not paying for the destruction of countless lives elsewhere like when we purchase from companies that are corporately-owned and operated.

By knowing the farmer who grew our food or the artist who made our clothes, we are touching the very spirit of the Creative Power of the Universe. We can be inspired to create our own beauty

Support local Small Businesses. Help to build a sustainable local economy! Help heal Our Mother, the Earth! Help to dismantle the corporate power structure and put the power back where it belongs....In the hands of The People!!

This holiday season, buy Rasa Body Balm, and other locally-crafted gifts for your friends and familia!!!!

Visit: rasabodyparlour.blogspot.com to see what's on the menu

How to Order....

Email rasabodyparlour@gmail.com or call 510.395.5935....Please specify sizes and quantities, and any important shipping info. Shipping anywhere is always available........postage varies, of course.

Orders can be shipped within the week. Delivery and pick up are also available in Oakland, Berkeley and San Francisco, only.

Price and Package

Rasa Body Balm comes in amber jars of three sizes.

They are:
50ml.........$12 (approx 1.69070113 oz., give or take)

This is really a nutshell version of something I really want to expand on with more of us at the Table. Let's sit down and figure this out together!

Thank you for the Love!
Blessings Forever!
Rasa Body Parlour

Thursday, April 9, 2009

What I'm Using Right Now.....

Currently, I am enjoying the luscious Eros...This balm is a blend of Mysore Sandalwood Oil and Vanilla Beans in a rich base of Shea Butter, Coconut and Olive Oils. The scent is subtle but has a sublime effect on the senses. Its gentle for all kinds of skin, even your baby's, and is very androgenous in its approach....good for ladies and mens! :) Superior moisturizing qualities you can apply everywhere! Call me to get some!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Rave Reviews...

"I wanted to thank you again for the hand balm you gave me. I am REALLY loving it. I cut up my hands moving and it is amazing stuff!"

Oakland, CA

"My husband and I have been using the Rejuvenation balm for years and love it! He uses it on his hair and scalp. I'm an RN and have challenges with dry hands. The Rejuvenation helps my hands so much! It's a wonderful, pure product. We've tried so many others, but this is the BEST!"

Oakland, CA

"Kanchan...the balm is so wonderful....I love it."

Chicago, IL

"..the best stuff I've ever used on my skin. The Best."

Oakland, CA

"I love your balm, it really is DA BALM!"


Oakland, CA

Thursday, February 5, 2009


A rich, wonderful, all plant-based moisturizer and healing balm, made in small batches. Best for hair, face and body, Rasa is infused with organic herbs, resins, barks and essential oils to support natural, healthy, glowing skin and the essential practice of daily self love.

These unique blends are sensual and uplifting, meditative and inspiring. There’s something for every body in these lil’ brown jars.

We start with a simple base of organic oils, shea butter and pure beeswax, and infuse them with our all natural, fragrance-free ingredients. Check out our formulas!

Heaven in a jar! The finest crystallized amber blended with rich tree resins of frankincense and Myrrh, and other proprietary ingredients to create a glorious olfactory journey. My personal favorite!

A rich healing balm full of the finest organic healing herbs available. Perfect for cuts, burns, itches, dry skin, massage, baby’s skin, et al. Masterfully crafted for high performance, and a luscious scent! Rejuvenation features Comfrey leaf and root, frankincense, myrrh and propolis.

Mysore Sandalwood with Amber sets the perfect tone for deep, invigorating meditation. Together they support a safe passage to your inner realms while smoothing out the ruff spots in the outer.

Both calming Lavender and stimulating Rosemary are at their fragrant best in this blend. They work together with Sweet Tangerine Oil to enhance your skin’s health and bring a lively lift to your mood.

Warm, sweet and sensuous organic vanilla beans crowning the ever divine Mysore Sandalwood. Massage baby’s skin, everyday moisturizing and whatever else suits your fancy. So good!


Supreme healing power that uses the antiseptic properties of tea tree oil, goldenseal root and myrrh. Great for surface cuts and scratches, insect bites, things of that nature. Physician, heal thyself!